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Avoiding Payment Scams

Protect yourself from fraud on the internet by identifying and avoiding internet scams and phishing attempts.

When in doubt, ask the intended recipient for more information about the purpose and safety of the requested payment. Don’t send the payment until you’re comfortable with the transaction.

To avoid payment scams:

  • Don’t do business with a seller who directs you away from the CS4Seniors website. A legitimate CS4Seniors seller transaction will never occur off the CS4Seniors website.
  • Don’t send money (by cash, wire transfer, Western Union, PayPal, MoneyGram, or other means) to a seller who claims that CS4Seniors will guarantee the transaction, refund your funds if you’re not satisfied with the purchase or hold your funds in escrow.
  • Don’t make a payment to claim lottery or prize winnings or on a promise of receiving a large sum of money.
  • Don’t make a payment because you’re guaranteed a credit card or loan.
  • Don’t respond to an internet or phone offer that you’re not sure is honest.
  • Don’t make a payment to someone you don’t know or whose identity you can’t verify.
  • Don’t respond to emails that ask you to provide account information, such as your email address and password combination. CS4Seniors will never ask you for personal information.